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Party Quiz

THIS is the way to kick off a party!


Imagine your guests circling up to prepare for your Color & Style training...

you tell them to grab their phones and get ready to discover something new about themselves.


Your hostess sends a link out to all her friends in the room and they start working their way through a fun, interactive quiz! It breaks the ice and you all start talking about your unique results.


(You also collect their e-mails when they finish the quiz so you can stay in touch!)

Do something DIFFERENT. 

We can build you a customized quiz:

  • with 5-7 questions
  • in your branding colors
  • with pictures representing your target market
  • that is a low-cost lead with a high conversion from lead to buyer

The design process includes:

  • choice of design type (assessment, personality or scored)
  • copywriting of questions and results
  • social media result customization
  • lead generation (opt-in form and connection to your e-mail)


Party Quiz package price, $97

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