About us

The Social Style Kit was born from a place of understanding that, as a Christian Image Consultant, doing all of this in the same day:


  • Completing a closet makeover for a new client
  • Finishing some online shopping for one of your best clients
  • Presenting a lunch-hour lesson on color to a group of professional woman

PLUS, posting helpful, beautiful, consistent content on all of your social media platforms



We get it. So, we built The Social Style Kit for you, and us!


Heidi Brubaker, Creative Director & Customer Relations

When she was responsible for managing social media accounts in both higher-education settings and the non-profit sector, Heidi used it to connect women to opportunities for personal growth. She’s worked as a personal stylist and shopper for the last 10 years & studied under founder of Style by Color, Shari Braendel. She loves to create & believes the inspired resources The Social Style Kit offers will launch any woman working in the fashion industry to the next level.


Harper Brubaker, Art Director & IT Technician

At 15, she opened a mobile fashion boutique & online store(in the middle of a pandemic). She loves all things artistic: dance, design, decorating, and her precious bunny, Harley. Harper's eye for color & balance is wise beyond her years. Creating original art and graphics for the Christian Image Consultants is an amazing opportunity to connect to a message & ministry in which Harper, now 18, believes deeply.